Ogechi Ifeanyi Chime
4 min readOct 20, 2023


Ugh! I’ve forgotten my password again,” Stella groaned. “It’s important to update them regularly, but it’s such a hassle to remember multiple passwords for various accounts.”

Elena, wearing a sly smile, replied, “Why go through all that trouble? I use the same password for everything, and it’s super easy to remember.”

Stella raised an eyebrow and remarked, “Let me guess, your password is ‘elena12345’?”

Elena’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, how did you know?”

Stella stared at her in disbelief. “You can’t be serious.”

The truth is, we’ve all been a Stella or an Elena at some point. We’ve faced the dilemma of creating passwords that are secure but hard to remember, or choosing simplicity and risking our online security. The password paradox — the balance between convenience and protection — is a challenge we must all confront.

💡 Protection should always supersede convenience.

Using easily memorable passwords may be tempting, but it poses significant risks to online security. A strong password is crucial in protecting sensitive data and information from unauthorized access. Weak passwords are often targeted by hackers, who rely on them to gain access to online accounts and cause severe consequences such as data breaches, identity theft, and financial fraud. Now that I have emphasized the importance of having a strong password, I will explain how to create one.

Avoid easily guessable passwords

Avoid using information such as your name, birthdate, or common words such as ‘password’ or using number sequences such as ‘12345’. Personal information can be easily obtained from social media or other online sources. This makes it easy for a cybercriminal to guess your password.

Use a mix of characters

A secure password must include a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. A good example is QbC#xty@1_5*. This password has a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. This would make it more difficult to crack.

Create long passwords

The longer a password is, the stronger it is. It is recommended to use a password length of at least 8 characters, but ideally, passwords should be 12 or more characters long. This recommendation is based on research that shows longer passwords are more difficult to crack.

Avoid using dictionary words

Don’t use words that can be found in the dictionary. Substitute letters with numbers or symbols to make it difficult to guess the password. Or deliberately use spelling errors in the password or passphrase.

Don’t re-use the same password

It is common for individuals to use one password for all accounts, but this is a dangerous practice. If a hacker gets access to one of your passwords, they will use it to attempt to hack into all of your personal and professional accounts, compromising all of them.

However, managing a multitude of strong, unique passwords can be a daunting task. Stella and Elena’s conversation highlights a common problem we all face — how to manage passwords without it becoming a hassle. Some people choose easy but risky passwords like Elena’s “elena12345,” while others, like Stella, struggle to remember multiple, complex passwords. How can individuals effectively overcome the challenges of password security without compromising on convenience?

The answer is simple. The solution lies in a tool called Password Manager.

💡 Use a password manager.

A password manager is a technology tool that helps internet users create, save, manage, and use passwords across different online services. Its primary function is to securely store all your passwords, eliminating the need to remember them. Password managers also assist in generating long and strong passwords that enhance the security of your accounts. Some benefits of using a password manager include:

  • Ease of use.
  • Generation of strong passwords.
  • Storage of passwords for multiple accounts.
  • Convenient autofill feature.
  • Simplified password changes.

In conclusion, the choices we make, such as using strong, unique passwords and being cautious online, determine our safety. Additionally, it’s worth noting that password managers not only simplify password management but also offer an extra layer of security, protecting your valuable information from potential threats. By embracing these practices and harnessing the power of password managers, you can fortify your online security. There is still much more to learn about best password practices that will provide optimum security, so stay tuned.

